This subsection is only for CE Members.
This subsection of our website is a resource to provide CE Members with details relating to the all-age Careers Service era – with the National Careers Service and the Section 29 Duty on Schools to secure independent careers advice and guidance for their students arising out of the Education Act 2011.
Non Members can see that this subsection exists, but have no access to its content.
This sub-section covers background papers on the current legislative framework for publicly funded Careers Services for young people and adults in England. It also includes information related to the Education Bill published 27.1.2011 and given Royal Assent as the EDUCATION ACT on 15.11.2011.
It includes matters related to implementation of the new DUTY following the Education Act 2011.
A third element covers Other Matters related to the Coalition Government’s proposed policy to establish an all-age Careers Service.